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Scottish Women’s Development Forum response to:

Statement by Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone QPM at Scottish Police Authority Board Meeting on 25 May 2023.

SAS Software are providing Data & Analytical training to women across the world! Please click on the link below to read the article find out more about how to sign up…

Free Data & Analytics Training

International Women’s Day

What is it and why to we need it? Read this article written by the Deputy Chair of SWDF…

International Women’s Day - SWDF showcase Women in Policing Photography Project at International Conference

With the support of the Scottish Women’s Development Forum (SWDF), in 2019, Sergeant Jenni Stuart embarked on a photography project documenting and celebrating women in policing in Scotland.

SWDF launch menopause toolkit into Police Scotland

Ever wondered why people use gender pronouns on their email signature?

SWDF Awards Ceremony 2023

Its that time of year again, we are proud to host SWDF Awards Ceremony 2023! Celebrating Police Officers and Staff across the country.

Please read our explanation on the reasoning behind the inclusion of pronouns in our email signatures and the importance of encouraging others to follow suit in the workplace.

SWDF win the Championing Gender Equality Award at this years’ Scottish Public Services Awards!

Check out more news on our Twitter feed page here.