Interested in becoming a member?

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“We have seen our membership grow every year as a result of the continued support and development which our association delivers free of charge. The Scottish Women’s Development Forum makes positive change for the greater good of under represented groups in policing. Join our association or if you have time, our committee to help us continue to make a difference.”

— SWDF Committee Member


The SWDF is Police Scotland's largest diversity staff association

The SWDF is free to join and open to serving police officers, special constables and staff members within Police Scotland and the SPA. Associate Membership is open to retired officers and members of staff as well as individuals from partner agencies with an interest in equality, diversity and inclusion.


We offer personal and professional development and networking opportunities. We also have a number of committees which focus on issues such as Specialisms, Modern Workforce and Health and Wellness.

We represent the views of our members to the Chief Constable and Force Executive and act as a critical friend to the SPA on matters of equality.

Our diverse membership comes from across Scotland, from all grades, ranks and departments in policing. Diversity is our strength. Join us today by emailing and follow us on Twitter @ScottishWDF.

We look forward to welcoming you!


As a result of the support and development opportunities we are providing, our membership has grown significantly over the years. We are going from strength to strength and remain committed to supporting the people who need us. Don’t miss out on the benefits of being a member of the SWDF, join today and help us shape the future of policing in Scotland.


Why don’t you join a committee?

Our committees are made up of volunteers and are dedicated to delivering support and development to our members. Find out about the different committees you could contribute to.