Thursday 25 May 2023

Scottish Women’s Development Forum response to:

Statement by Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone QPM at Scottish Police Authority Board Meeting on 25 May 2023.

The Scottish Women's Development Forum (SWDF) Executive Committee welcomes the Chief Constable’s announcement acknowledging institutional sexism and discrimination in Police Scotland.

We share the Chief Constable’s passion for policing and over the years on behalf of our members we have engaged vigorously with Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and others on issues such as pregnancy & maternity discrimination, recruitment & retention, under representation in specialist posts, clothing and equipment, flexible and agile working, menstrual health & menopause, and the intersectional issues impacting on our officers and staff.

We have pushed for, driven forward, and contributed to policy changes and improvements, and we have contributed to numerous reviews and inspections. We have listened to our members throughout and we have been campaigning for years for change and improvement.

We will always be grateful to those who have shared their personal experiences. Those lived experiences provide very powerful and compelling testimonies which have undoubtedly helped to get us to where we are today.

We know that the vast majority of our officers and staff uphold our values and share our desire for an organisation which is inclusive and welcoming for everyone, and we look forward to our colleagues feeling supported and confident to challenge and speak out when they need to do so.

Today’s acknowledgement by the Chief Constable is a critical step towards addressing the barriers, systems and challenges that have impacted our members both past and present. To truly move forward, it is crucial to recognise our present circumstances, and this acknowledgement sets the foundation for us to build a better and more inclusive future.

The SWDF views the announcement as an opportunity for growth and improvement and believe in the strength and resilience of our members and their valuable contributions to our organisation. We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the SPA to prioritise the eradication of institutional discrimination within policing in Scotland. By embracing equity for all, we will improve the experience of all our colleagues, be better equipped to serve the diverse needs of our communities and strengthen their trust and confidence in us.

We also welcome the support which the SPA has given to the Chief Constable’s announcement today and their calls for an ambitious timeline which articulates clearly what steps will be taken to bring about change. We look forward to their input to achieve this and their robust scrutiny of progress being made towards it. We see this announcement as a confirmation of our long-term ambition to Educate, Enable and Empower and it underscores the essence of our journey towards a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

It is vitally important that this announcement leads to tangible and lasting change. We believe that in order to truly flourish together, we need to embed inclusion at the heart of our organisation's culture and operations. This requires ongoing commitment, action, accountability, and most importantly its implementation at all levels.

The SWDF wants to work collaboratively with Police Scotland, SPA and our fellow staff associations and colleagues not to just mend, but to enhance the fabric of our working environment.

Our Association sees this time as a critical turning point. With the right steps and actions, we can redefine our organisation's future - one where every member feels valued, heard, and respected. We believe that through sincere implementation, Police Scotland can create a more inclusive and harmonious workplace for all.

We look forward to creating lasting change, where policing is truly welcoming and inclusive to all.